Who We Are & What we do

Serving the Central Valley

Collaborate with the community to implement Public Safety Enhancement (PSE) strategies aimed at enhancing safety and well-being within southwest Fresno

Our Vision

A healthier and safer southwest Fresno

Our Values

  • We build community relationships and a culture of caring
  • We value equitable environmental and social resources
  • Community safety is community wellness
  • We prioritize accountability for outcomes and impact
  • We ensure safety policy is just, equitable, and inclusive

What We Do

  • In-school and community mentoring
  • Certified community mediators
  • Family-centered resources
  • Advance Peace expansion
  • Hospital-based intervention
  • Community justice conferencing
  • Court/legal system intervention
  • Alternative first response teams
  • Mentoring
  • Economic & legal support
  • Education; Project Rebound
  • Local and state legislation
  • Coalition building
  • Community engagement

The Community Justice Network (CJN) is a system of organizations based in Fresno’s most vulnerable communities, committed to shifting toward a community-centered public safety model designed to ensure the safety of all Fresno residents.

Designed to create alternative paths from the present justice system, the network’s goal is to establish a sustainable matrix of resources, supportive services, and access to real opportunities for Fresno residents of all ages at greatest risk of and/or who have had a history of contact with the criminal justice system.

Community Justice Network’s efforts will be housed in a single site location known as the Community Justice Center (CJC), fostering collaboration and shared power. The effort is grounded in the philosophy of restorative justice, which recognizes when conflict or harm occurs, repairs the damage to the extent possible, and creates future accountability plans and/or agreements that work to prevent similar situations from recurring.

Through the CJC, the CJN is committed to elevating the voices of those in greatest need and the farthest from resources and establishing a community-centered public safety system grounded in shared power, voice, and opportunity.

Interested in learning more about the Community Justice Network?

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